“Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” Quoted in interview by G.S. Viereck , October 26,1929 . Reprinted in “Glimpses of the Great”(1930).
“Why is it that nobody understands me, yet everybody likes me?”—Albert Einstein --- Quoted in an interview with New York Times,
“I want to know God’s thoughts. The rest are details.”—Albert Einstein --- Quoted by E. Salaman in “ A Talk with Einstein”, Listener 54 (1955)
“Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love.”—Albert Einstein --- To Fred Wall, 1933.
“I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.” —Albert Einstein --- To Carl Seelig – March 11,1952 .
“Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom.”
—Albert Einstein- From an address at the commencement exercise of
“Regarding sex education: no secrets!”—Albert Einstein --- To the World League for Sexual Reform, September 6,1929 . AEA 48-304
“Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.”—Albert Einstein --- To J. Dispentiere – March 24, 1954 . AEA 59-495
“The more success the quantum theory has, the sillier it looks.”—Albert Einstein --- To Heinrich Zangger – May 20,1912. AEA 39-655
“If I were to start taking care of my grooming, I would no longer be my own self. . . .”—Albert Einstein --- To Elsa Löwenthal, ca. December 2, 1913 . CPAE, Vol 5, Doc.489.
“I think we have to safeguard ourselves against people who are a menace to others, quite apart from what may have motivated their deeds.”—Albert Einstein --- To Otto Juliusburger –April 11,1946 . AEA 38-228
“I think we have to safeguard ourselves against people who are a menace to others, quite apart from what may have motivated their deeds.”—Albert Einstein --- To Otto Juliusburger –
“Everything is determined…by forces over which we have no control. It is determined for the insect as well as for the star. Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust—we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper.”—Albert Einstein --- Quoted in interview by G.S. Viereck , October 26,1929 . Reprinted in “Glimpses of the Great”,1930.
“I lived in that solitude which is painful in youth, but delicious in the years of maturity.” —Albert Einstein --- Quoted in Portraits & Self-Portraits by George Schreiber 1935-1936. AEA 28-332
“It is not a lack of real affection that scares me away again and again from marriage. Is it a fear of the comfortable life, of nice furniture, of dishonor that I burden myself with, or even the fear of becoming a contented bourgeois.” —Albert Einstein -- To Elsa Löwenthal, after August 3, 1914 . CPAE, Vol. 8, Doc.32.
“Strenuous intellectual work and the study of God’s Nature are the angels that will lead me through all the troubles of this life with consolation, strength, and uncompromising rigor.”—Albert Einstein --- To Pauline Winteler – July 3,1897 . AEA 29-453
“The aim [of education] must be the training of independently acting and thinking individuals who, however, see in the service to the community their highest life problem.”—Albert Einstein --- From Address, October 15, 1936 – Reprinted in Ideas and Opinions, 60.
“Enjoying the joys of others and suffering with them—these are the best guides for man.”—Albert Einstein --- To V. Bulgakow, November 4, 1931 . AEA 45-702.
“People like you and I, though mortal of course, like everyone else, do not grow old no matter how long we live. What I mean is that we never cease to stand like curious children before the great Mystery into which we were born.”—Albert Einstein --- To Otto Juliusburger, September 29,1942.AEA 38-238
“I believe that a simple and unassuming life is good for everybody, physically and mentally.” —Albert Einstein --- From “The World As I See It” (1930), reprinted in Ideas and Opinions, 8.
“The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self.”---Albert Einstein ---From Mein Weltbild (1934). Reprinted in Ideas and Opinions, 12
“Nothing truly valuable arises from ambition or from a mere sense of duty; it stems rather from love and devotion towards men and towards objective things.”—Albert Einstein --- To F.S. Wada, July 30, 1947 . AEA 58-934.
“I believe the most important mission of the state is to protect the individual and make it possible for him to develop into a creative personality. . . .”—Albert Einstein --- From address to the Disarmament Conference of 1932 (1931). Reprinted in Ideas and Opinions, 95.
“Just as with the man in the fairy tale who turned whatever he touched into gold, with me everything is turned into newspaper clamor.”—Albert Einstein --- To Max Born, September 9, 1920 . AEA 8-151.
“I am truly a ‘lone traveler’ and have never belonged to my country, my home, my friends, or even my immediate family, with my whole heart. In the face of all this, I have never lost a sense of distance and the need for solitude.”—Albert Einstein --- From “The World As I See It” (1930), reprinted in Ideas and Opinions, 99.
“Music does not influence research work, but both are nourished by the same sort of longing, and they complement each other in the release they offer.”—Albert Einstein --- To Paul Plaut, October 23, 1928 . AEA 28-065
“A happy man is too satisfied with the present to dwell too much on the future.”—Albert Einstein ---. From “My Future Plans”, September 18,1896 . CPAE Vol.1, Doc. 22.
“Where there is love, there is no imposition.”—Albert Einstein --- Quoted in Sayen, Einstein in America , 294.
“The monotony of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind.”—Albert Einstein --- From Civilization and Science, October 3, 1933 . Quoted in The Times (London ), October 4, 1933 .
“Most teachers waste their time by asking questions that are intended to discover what a pupil does not know, whereas the true art of questioning is to discover what the pupil does know or is capable of knowing.”—Albert Einstein --- Quoted by Moszkowski in Conversations with Einstein (1920) 65.
“My relationship to the Jewish people has become my strongest human bond, ever since I became fully aware of our precarious situation among the nations of the world.”—Albert Einstein --- Statement to Abba Eban, November 18,1952 . AEA 28-943.
“I very rarely think in words at all. A thought comes, and I may try to express in words afterwards.”—Albert Einstein --- Quoted in M. Wertheimer, “Productive Thinking” (1959).
“I am content in my later years. I have kept my good humor and take neither myself nor the next person seriously.” —Albert Einstein --- To P. Moos, March 30,1950 . AEA 60-587.
“As an elderly man, I have remained estranged from the society here.”—Albert Einstein --- To Queen Elisabeth of the Belgians, February 16,1935 . AEA 32-385.
“If there is no price to be paid, it is also not of value.”—Albert Einstein --- Aphorism, June 27,1920 . AEA 36-582.
“Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.”—Albert Einstein ---Quoted in the New York Times, June 20,1932 AEA 29-041
“I never worry about the future. It comes soon enough.”—Albert Einstein --- Aphorism, 1945-1946. AEA 36-570
“Try to become not a man of success, but try rather to become a man of value.”—Albert Einstein --- Quoted by William Miller in Life Magazine, May 2, 1955
“The important thing is to not stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.”—Albert Einstein --- Quoted by William Miller in Life Magazine, May 2,1955
“To one bent on age, death will come as a release. I feel this quite strongly now that I have grown old myself and have come to regard death like an old debt, at long last to be discharged. . . .”—Albert Einstein --- To Gertrude Warschauer, February 5, 1955 . AEA 39-532
“The most important endeavor is the striving for morality in our actions. Our inner balance and even our very existence depend on it. Only morality in our actions can give beauty and dignity for life.”—Albert Einstein --- To Reverend C. Greenway, November 20,1950 . AEA 28-894.
“Man owes his strength in the struggle for existence to the fact that he is a social animal.” —Albert Einstein --- From Address, October 15, 1936 . Reprinted in Ideas and Opinions, 62
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